The Career Change Maker Podcast

# 201: 3 Ways To Finish The Year Strong

December 15, 2022
The Career Change Maker Podcast
# 201: 3 Ways To Finish The Year Strong
Show Notes

It's the end of the year and a time when many people start thinking about and planning for the new year.

Planning and new year's resolutions are great... but are often not enough to actually lead to change. Too often people try and make huge dramatic shifts without setting themselves up for success. 

What You Will Learn:

  1. Audit
  2. Goal or Intention Setting
  3. Setting Yourself Up For Success

Audit - We move through life so quickly, I literally feel like the year has gone by in a flash. When you are focused on doing and achieving, it is so easy to lose track of all that has happened.

Now is the perfect time to be doing an audit around your life and your career. What went well this year? What didn't go well this year and why? When you have identified those, you can move onto step number 2.

Don't skip this step, when I did my audit, I realised that we had lots of wins on the scoreboard that I hadn't remembered. Clients served, contracts won, a live event, podcast growth etc.

Goal or Intention Setting - What do you want to achieve or create in the next year? You can set those high-level goals but be mindful to make them realistic. Taking a holistic approach is a good idea, so that it is not all about work but other wellness goals too. Health, fitness, sleep... because if you are not taking care of those things, it's harder to achieve in the other areas. 

Setting Yourself Up For Success - Clarify the commitment, resources and support required to make the goals you set in number 2 a reality. If one of your goals is to work out a few times a week, what are you going to put in place to make that happen? Will you hire a personal trainer or get a gym buddy?

If your goal is to get promoted by the end of Q1, will you be hiring a coach or finding a mentor to support you on your growth trajectory? The reason many people set new year's resolutions that fail before the end of February is that they don't focus enough on the day-to-day tasks that need to be done for the bigger goal to actually be met.

If you want help with this process - book a Career UpLevel Intensive. We will work together to map out your career advancement plan for 2023. You tell me what you want to achieve and I will help you come up with a bespoke strategy that is aligned to you and your preferences.

Beyond the yearly plan start thinking about your quarterly goals. What do you want to achieve in Q1 of the year?

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